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Finally now also available in BIG!!

This one can fit your laptop and much more..


It's backpack is made of 100% Recycled Rubber on the outside, and a sturdy denim on the inside.
The zipper is decorated with our signature white brass trishul.

At the back part of the bag you find a little waterproof pocket, big enough for your passport and bankcards, lined with a special anti-spy/ RFID blocking material where your bankcards can't be scanned through!

The bag also has a hidden secret pocket for your private items not to be found.
After purchase we will reveal where it is :)

The big part of the inside is divided in 2 parts, and will be big enough for your Laptop.

Each piece is made of 100% recycled rubber and therefor the texture may appear slightly different from the picture.


* Hidden secret pocket
* Anti-spy pocket/RFID-blocking
* Waterproof pocket
* 100% Vegan :: 100% Recycled Rubber

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